Wednesday 14 March 2018

SEO - On Page Optimization

SEO(Search Engine Optimization), is that we can optimize our web pages or website for search engine. in the optimization have two types, On-page Optimization and Off-page Optimization.
 In On-page optimization, all changes or measures can be taken directly from the website or webpage for the good search result in search engine.
 Off-page optimization measures that can be taken outside the website using other application or software for getting good search result in search engine.

title and description search engine

Here we discussed On-page optimization. Main factors for the On-page optimization pages are

1. Title:- Title tag is an important factor in a webpage. it is  HTML elements that specify the title of a webpage and this can be seen when we search result in search engine. Written on the header position of an HTML element.
sample code
  <title>Example Title</title>
Google display title length 55-60 characters. it can vary if the width of the characters. so Google displays 512-pixel length character on title tag.

The title tag is a major factor for helping search engine about the web page. It displays on top of search engine with a bold blue colour when we search. Use the first letter as a capital letter on each word for looking good and attractive when we search a keyword in search engine.

how to write a good Title?

  • Check title length 55-60 character or 512-pixel.
  • Give every page have a unique title.
  • Match title with content on the page.
  • Don't write keyword repeat on the title.
  • Put important keyword as first on the title.
  • Write the title for users that, they want to click our page with the suitable keyword.

2.Meta Description:- It is also an HTML meta tag that specifies a brief description about the page. It displays under the title and URL in a search result.

sample code
  <meta name="description" content="meta description to show in search results.">

Length: 155-160 characters in web pages and 154-155 characters in the blog post(date also show in the search result) or 1024-pixel width.

An effective meta description can make a user to click our page when they see our site on the search result.

how to write a good Meta Description?

  • Check description length 155-160 character or 1024-pixel.
  • Give every page have a unique description.
  • Avoid duplicate content in the description.
  • Match description with content on the page.
  • Don't include double quotation mark.

 3.Body:- it is an important part of a web page that, the content of the pages can be written here. so when someone is looking our page on a click from the search result, if it is good and useful then he will be looking pages every day and spend more time on our it makes our page have more trust and authority values.
important tags on body part are h1,h2,h3 etc...

h1 tag is more important it has the same value when we write a if our page has no title then h1 shows title as on the search result.

  • Use only one h1 tag in a body content.
  • Subheadings are written h2,h3 etc...
  • Content must be matched on the title and description. 
  • Write good and quality contents.
    onpage optimization
4.Anchor Text:- it is a clickable text in a page. so when someone clicks on it then it will go to the corresponding links.
 example code
<a href="">Example Anchor Text</a>
Anchor text is a fuel content when a search engine crawling a page.
  • What word or phrase that used for click on a link.
  • Check the relevancy of the target page.
  • Anchor text keyword density
  • Use matched keyword from the content only.
  • Not generic.
5.Image Optimization:- Use corresponding images in a webpage for better understanding a user about our web pages.only use related images about our page.using images also make a page looking good and better user response.
in Image Optimization, check the following and use it correctly
  •  Image alt: Use alternate image name on each image we can use on the web page. 
  • Image name: it is the name of the image, so don't use space between the word in the name, use hyphens(-) sign between words
  • Content: use the correct image as responding to the content on the pages.

6.Content:- it is the main part of the webpage that writes only relevant content inside the give what the person wants to see when he came on the page. Write content for the highlighted keywords and try to put that keyword into the content too.
Use comma(,) and dot(.) symbols after the keywords.
write the author name or link profile on the pages, so we get more trust value on that blog.

Wednesday 25 October 2017

Google Search Console -Webmaster Tools

Both Google and Yahoo bing have the webmaster tools that how our site working on these both search engine and shows information about it.

google webmaster
Google Search Console or Webmaster Tools is a free Google web service for webmasters. This tool allows webmasters to check a website indexing status in the search engine and identify any issue on the site. this tool is completely free when we register with this tool once then you can access the information about your site anytime with have only internet access.

Google search console is used for monitor site performance with the google search engine. We can make sure Google will be accessing our content. we can also submit our content for crawling and remove content when we don't want show in the search result. This also used to monitor and solve any spam problem that is active in the sites. Display how much click, impression, CTR(Click Through Rate) and position of the search queries.

google search console
Google search console is used to check how the world sees our website using google search engine. we can see search analytics results like query, pages, country and devices that are used for access our site in search engine. Check which site can link our website and also display our site internal links too. also, check our site is mobile friendly or not.

Steps for accessing webmaster
  • We can access webmaster using the link
  • Click sign in and sign in by using Gmail account.
  • On that click ADD A PROPERTY
  • Then write your URL of the website and click ADD
  • Then have a verification process choose the appropriate option from this and click verify.
    google webmaster verification
After Some hours your website details are visible in the webmaster account.

Important Google Algorithm Updates

Nowadays google launch many algorithm updates for getting good quality results when we are searching.
Some of the updates are very strong and it makes a lot of difference in the search I am discussed about some major algorithm updates and how it changes on the google search result.

google panda algorithm update

This update will be launched on Feb 24, 2011.
It is one or the strong major google update. It makes large effects on the google search results. In this algorithm is against for content spamming. in content spamming includes,
a) Duplicate content from other web pages
b) Grammatical or low-quality contents
c) Thin contents
d) Keyword stuffing
e) User-generated spam
f) Poor user experience
 so this all spammy activity will make our page to less rank when we search in Google.

Panda 4.0:-launched on 2014 May 19,
in this, a content filter used into the algorithm that all crawled content will be passing through the panda filter and cache the results.


google penguin algorithm update
Launched on 2012 Apr 24, 
Major update for the link spamming.this aims to identify and down the rank of sites having spammy links on it. link spamming is that,
a) Link farm: increasing the link popularity of another site by increasing the incoming links.
b) Link coming from poor quality and spammy web pages.
c) Link exchange form one site to other.
d) Paid links.
e) Wiki Spamming.
f) Guest blogging.
g) Links coming from irrelevant sites.
So when we search in Google this all spammy activity will make our page to less rank. 

Penguin 4.0:-launched on 2016 Sep 23,
They are announced this algorithm now real time.


Launched on 2013 Aug 22, 
Google Hummingbird is a major algorithm change that has produced a more relevant deep search result with understanding the meaning of our search query.hazards of this algorithm are,
google hummingbird algorithm update
  • Exact-match keyword targeting
  • Keyword stuffing


Launched on 2015 Oct 26, 
It is an advanced hummingbird algorithm that is like understanding the meaning of the query and serve best matching results for those query like a machine uses Artificial Intelligence(AI).

5.Parked Domain Bug 

Launched on 2012 Apr 16,
Parked domain means when we register a domain but it will have any content or services associated. So in this update Google will punish in the ranking of parked domains.

6.EMD(Exact Match Domain)

Launched on 2012 Sep 27,
EMD is that, the domain that matches the exact search query. So in this algorithm change Google to crawl and check the query is that it will have any exact match domain it has a priority to show on up based on the content too.

pirate updation

Launched on 2012 Aug 10,
In this Google will announce that they will penalize websites with repeatedly accused of copyright violation.
so when the author will be sent a DMCA(Digital Millennium Copyright Act) request to the Google. based on this google will punish the ranking of the site.


pigeon algorithm update

Launched on 2014 Jul 24,
This is the update for local SEO that, increase the ranking of local listing in a web search. so in this update provide to display search result based on the location of the user and listing all available nearby servises based on the query.


9.Mobile Update(MobileGeddon)
mobile friendly update

Launched on 2015 Apr 22,
Based on these update tells that ranking have a preference for the site that are mobile-friendly and is not mobile-friendly it will down the rank.

Saturday 21 October 2017

SEO - History And Evolution

SEO (Search Engine Optimization)

SEO (Search Engine Optimization), the term that exists to optimize our page and visible it to various web search engines like google, yahoo unpaid results.
seo history and evolution

History of Google SEO

Nowadays Google search results can get in a millisecond speed of our search, but on the evolution of Google, search results can be sent through an email on after 24 hours of a search. At this time Google doesn't have more data in their database.

But the real google how to become rich in the database and power has a small story, but this small story makes big changes in the world. On September 11, 2001, USA faces a big explosion that the World Trade Center will be falling down in a plain clash of 'Al-Qaeda'. These times Google users are searching the term "World Trade Center" in google search engine, but unfortunately, Google does not have more details about that largest building in the world.

 It makes so shame in the Google company, so the management, conduct a discussion with the employers and ask them to why we cannot give more information about the world largest building,  employers tell that we cannot have more data in the database that is why cannot provide more details. Then management asks another question that how we can get more data.some employ reply that we can give our working algorithm to the webmasters and ask them to attach their pages to our search engine. Some of the employers do not agree with this condition because if we give our algorithm to outside our privacy will be gone.but management takes the decision that gives some working algorithm to the webmasters and takes their beliefs. Google out their algorithm and people can take this and use to search and display web pages.

Evolution of Google SEO

Google will be working like a procedure that crawling, caching and indexing. In crawling scan the entire page, then caching that take a snapshot of that page and last indexing take the page in the database and show it when we are searching. SEO can be two types On-site SEO and Off-site SEO. In On-site SEO anything can be done within the website for the search engines.and in Off-site SEO can be done outside of the website.
On-site and Off-site seo

On the first of the Google, pages can be crawled by using niche or content specific is called content stuffing. In that crawlers only check how muck content occurs on a particular page and show this to the top of the google search. Some later people will be misused it more like in a page put the same background colour on a keyword or take a keyword pixel as 1. So that Google change their algorithm to link specifically in that more link from another website will be getting higher priority and it shows first on the google search.Same as the content stuff people also misuse this also, webmasters buy links from others and they have to get priority and shown first, but they don't focus on change structure and content of the website.

It is also the headache of google so google change algorithm to quality link specific.In that  Google will be given a page rank to each website based on the page structure and content out of 10. So someone will get links from more page rank webpage, it will be shown top in the google search.but nowadays google page rank not available.and it will be stopped by Google.

Another change in a Google that it calls Passing the Juice, in this higher PageRank website will give the link to lower ranking sites. on this have a chance to decrease the ranking of a higher page rank these aspects, we can restrict to show another web page backlinks from our pages by using a word on the hyperlink 'rel=nofollow'. so we can access the site but no backlinks given to that sites.

On 2008 onwards Google gets started Adwords, Adsense for the advertising purpose. But it will be a great benefit for the google. in AdWords, allow advertizer to show your Ads on the google search results pages or the website that show Google Ads and in Adsense, we can earn benefits from Google also by using Ads shown through our website or from blog.

Another change for the Google algorithm that based on user response. count the time when a user spends on a particular web page and based on this time give the page ranks. If no one uses a page more time then that site has a negative user response. when a page has negative response then google try to down the search rank result.the term 'pogo-sticking' is that when a user clicks on a link, sees that it is not what they looking for, and immediately come back by using the back button. he chooses another site for his satisfying result so, next time he searches the second one will be showing first.
evolution in social media

In 2010 onwards google also take another decision that checks social media presence in a website to have a priority on the search is called 'social media signal'.

After that Google also change the social media presence, by using the pages or person authority values so in that, if someone has more authority value for the sites it will show up and someone not it's in down here check the influential powers of a person or page that make more visibility.
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